CBRM Heritage Property Program

Karen Neville

CBRM Heritage Officer

(902) 563-5088


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The CBRM is responsible for the Heritage Property Bylaw and for promotion of heritage conservation in our communities. CBRM Planning Department staff work closely with the Heritage Advisory Committee, a committee of Council that includes both elected Council members as well as citizens who are appointed by Council to serve on the Committee.

The Objective of the Program is to encourage owners of registered municipal heritage properties to upgrade their properties in a manner that is consistent with the heritage value of the property as stated in the statement of significance for the property and the associated character defining elements.

The incentive shall be 50% of the cost of the repairs or renovations up to a maximum of $12,000 per property. In the case of roof replacement and/or repair, the maximum grant shall be 30% of the cost up to a maximum of $6,000. In exceptional circumstances, the Committee may award a higher percentage of cost-sharing, as outlined in 4(c)