The following companies/organizations are Investors of the Cape Breton Partnership and offer services specific to business development.
Cape Breton Partnership – Business Services
The Cape Breton Partnership provides support, counselling and guidance to businesses at every stage.
READ MOREInvest Nova Scotia
At Invest Nova Scotia we are working towards a strong, thriving and globally competitive Nova Scotia through attracting global investment to create new jobs across the province and working with companies in all communities to be more successful exporters. We can help you get there from here. With extensive industry and market expertise, we are passionate about helping Nova Scotia companies discover new exporting opportunities. Make Nova Scotia your business solution. If you are not yet familiar with our province, allow us to show you why our talent, geographic location, reputation, and research and development are attracting world-leading companies to establish operations here. You may also be interested in our Industrial Lands that offer access to shipping, logistics and distribution of your products.
READ MOREWanda MacLean
Regional Business Development Advisor
Visit websiteThe Nova Scotia Securities Commission
The Nova Scotia Securities Commission was established to provide investors with protection from activities that undermine investor confidence in the fairness and efficiency of Nova Scotia capital markets and where not inconsistent with investor protection, to foster capital formation. Learn about Start-up Crowdfunding Exemptions, Community Economic Development Investment Funds, Corporate Finance, and more!
READ MORESte. 400, Duke Tower, 5251 Duke St., Halifax, NS B3J 1P3
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