The following companies/organizations are Investors of the Cape Breton Partnership and offer services specific to business development.

Cape Breton Capital Group

The purpose of the Cape Breton Capital Group (CBCG) is to bring together a group of experienced Cape Breton entrepreneurs and investors to seek out investment opportunities that will help established businesses maintain local ownership and seed new companies based on Cape Breton Island.


Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design

Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design (the Centre), a non-profit charitable organization, is an integral and leading force in the educational, promotional and economic development of the craft sector on Cape Breton Island with a membership of over 300 individuals and organizations throughout Cape Breton Island, the traditional and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people of Unama’ki. The mandate of Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design is to promote excellence in the field of craft and design through education and training, exhibitions and special events. We are committed to developing programs that preserve, elevate, expand, and enhance the creation of craft.


Stephanie Dupuis

Craft Business Development Coordinator

322 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia


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Cape Breton Partnership – Business Services

The Cape Breton Partnership provides support, counselling and guidance to businesses at every stage.


Shannon MacNeil

(902) 562-0122

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CBDC – Coastal Business

Established in 1985, Coastal Business CBDC’s principal goals continue to be the provision of quality financial and advisory assistance to new and expanding business within our community.  To achieve these goals Coastal Business provides access to capital for qualifying small and medium size enterprises.  In addition it provides advisory assistance, training and general counseling to better ensure the success of the assisted businesses. Financial assistance is available in the form of loans, loan guarantees and equity financing to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. Business counselling, help & advice is available to small businesses. We help businesses to succeed and therefore we give high priority to the advisory role of our mandate. Entrepreneurship development and training to individuals and small business owners/managers is available in many of our offices. Technical assistance usually takes the form of guidance and coaching, and sometimes advocating on behalf of our clients to other lending establishments or regulatory agencies.


Patricia MacNeil

Executive Director

292 Charlotte Street Suite 100 Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 1C7

(902) 539-4332

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Centre for Entrepreneurship Education & Development (CEED)

CEED offers entrepreneurs of all ages and stages a wide variety of hands-on learning opportunities. In Cape Breton, programs are delivered both in-person at Navigate Startup House and virtually via Adobe Connect. CEED’s experiential programming is designed to ensure the participant leaves with relevant skills that can be immediately employed in the launch or growth of a business. The following programs are available:

Building Financial Models
Value Proposition Design
Business Model Canvas
Pricing Your Product or Service


Kim Desveaux

Navigate 37 Nepean Street, Sydney


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Navigate, located in the New Dawn Centre for Social Innovation in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, aims to foster and keep burgeoning companies in Cape Breton by providing space, support, and resources. Navigate provides: Subsidized office space for early-stage companies Common workspace available to all members The ability to tap into a worldwide network of experts in the fields of business and technology Event programming provided for tenants, members, and the community includes lunch and learns, workshops, hackathons, and start-up weekends


Megan MacAulay

Project Director

37 Nepean Street, Suite 105, Sydney, NS, B1P 6A7


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NSCC – Your Entrepreneurial Self Program

NSCC Entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurial skill awareness and development opportunities for students, faculty and staff. Programs and services include:

Free Entrepreneurial Resources including workshops, presentations, activities, lesson plans, templates, toolkits
Business Counselling –One-on-one business counselling for students, staff and faculty who are interested in starting a business or want to take their existing businesses to the next level. Guidance offered for business plan development, marketing, HR, government regulations and financing.
Curriculum Consulting – One-on-one curriculum consulting and support to integrate entrepreneurship into the classroom (integrating tools such as the business model canvas, business plans, software and activities)
College Wide Activities – entrepreneurial activities for students, staff and faculty including challenges, contests and competitions and professional development opportunities
Community Connections – Entrepreneurial Service Providers and Community Resources – we work with other entrepreneurial service providers and connect students/staff to relevant resources and supports, workshops and training events, available in our communities


Sheri Williams


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Strait Area Chamber of Commerce

SACOC provides unique opportunities for businesses to promote and develop through advertising, seminars, trade shows, networking and events. It also provides access to member discounts on business expenses such as group insurance, point of sale systems, advertising, etc., in addition to 15-20 training courses each year to help businesses be more efficient and grow. SACOC annually hosts a “Small Business Road Show” that engages SMEs and service providers in rural communities across rural Cape Breton. The objective is to build awareness of the many services provided to SMEs and new entrepreneurs. SACOC periodically hosts women leadership events that provide networking and skill development opportunities for women in business and leadership.


Tanya Felix


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ACOA Business Information Services

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is here for you. Our Business Information Services team can help you figure out your next steps and find what you need to start or grow your business. Who we are Our one-stop information shop is free of charge and available in both official languages. We’re ready to answer your business questions and guide you through the steps to take to make your great ideas a reality. From funding to planning, from research to regulations, if there’s something you need to run your business, look no further! What we do Business support is what we know. We can give you information on: business planning – get personalized advice no matter how far along you are. financing – learn about different funding options (loans, grants, wage subsidies, COVID-19 relief, etc.). government regulations – learn about taxes, permits, licences, and more to make sure you’re operating legally. imports and exports – find out how to move goods and services across the Canadian border. reliable market research information – access research on the topics you need: Demographics (e.g., age, household income, marital status, etc.) Potential competitors Suppliers and distributors Industry performance International market and industry data Financial benchmarking specific to your industry Consumer trends Import and export statistics


Cindy Allen

Communications Officer



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AgriMarketing Program: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Component

The Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Component provides targeted support to companies for international initiatives. All activities must promote international business development and must go beyond the applicant’s core activities and represent new initiatives that provide an opportunity to yield incremental results. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) funding for a project will normally not exceed $50,000 per fiscal year; and $100,000 over two consecutive fiscal years and an applicant can apply more than once, but for each applicant, funding will not be more than $250,000 over five years.


Laurie Sanderson

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Atlantic Canada Aerospace & Defence Association

The Atlantic Canada Aerospace and Defence Association (ACADA) is a collaborative SME-focused organization representing the interests of the aerospace, defence, and security industries in Atlantic Canada. ACADA is comprised of approximately 200 industry members and organizations across Atlantic Canada. ACADA provides research, hosts industry events, workshops, training and trade missions to better prepare its sector for development and growth both nationally and internationally.


Rich Billard


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BIONOVA – BioInnovation Challenge

The BioInnovation Challenge is an Atlantic Canadian business competition to recognize significant commercialization potential in Health and Life Sciences. BioNova understands that, more than ever, a strong and vibrant economy in the province requires continuous innovation and the creation of new Nova Scotian Health and Life Sciences companies. Early stage companies evolve over time to become major employers in the community and encourage a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation – key ingredients for prosperity.


Scott Moffitt


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BIONOVA – Financial BioBusiness Accelerator Program (BAP)

BioNova’s BAP program is a suite of individual program initiatives that are assembled based on the present day needs of the local life science community. The program has an over-arching goal to move businesses down the commercialization pathway faster to get technologies and products to the market sooner. The suite of programs offered include: Investor Kit Program Photography Portfolio Project Investor Pitch Training Specific Consulting Engagements Business Development Assistance and Consulting Reimbursement Assessments


Scott Moffitt


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BIONOVA – International Bio-Partnering Program

This program provides financial assistance to further develop international business and/or research relationships for Atlantic Canadian Companies. It facilitates the creation of focused international business and research alliances for Atlantic Canadian life sciences companies and research organizations and is an opportunity to move existing international relationships into the next level of the collaborative process, and may include company recruitment, new product development, investment opportunities, in/out licensing agreements for intellectual property, R&D collaborations, and potential export opportunities. Eligible costs include travel-related costs of the business guests being invited to the region.


Scott Moffitt


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BIONOVA – Technical Assistance Program (TAP)

TAP allows life sciences SMEs to apply for small project funding to engage technical expertise that is not available within their company. The technical expertise received is intended to allow the company to overcome an immediate challenge that is acting as a barrier to commercialization. This program provides direct financial assistance for approved projects that seek to resolve an issue that is hampering product development, and is critical to commercialization. Projects that will be considered include those that engage a subject matter expert to help with: science and / or engineering challenge experiment design prototype development advice other assistance of a technical nature that cannot be solved with in-house expertise


Scott Moffitt


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BioNova provides this workshop series to accelerate the innovation and productivity of Nova Scotia’s businesses while boosting the bioeconomy. The sessions bring together BioNova members, business professionals, industry representatives, students and other key stakeholders to offer:

Informational seminars to boost your chances of achieving your business goals, such as accessing new sources of funding and emerging business needs
Educational events to facilitate business development, such as Intellectual Property and Patent system changes, Marketing and Communications workshops to improve outreach and Talent Recruitment & Management training to enhance your workforce
Industry related workshops to address known challenges and emerging issues, such as regulatory changes within the FDA & Health Canada, CE Marking and reimbursement strategies


Scott Moffitt


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C100 is a community of influential Canadians in technology who are committed to supporting, inspiring, and connecting the most promising Canadian entrepreneurial leaders. We connect experienced entrepreneurs, executives of technology companies, and venture capital investors with the purpose of accelerating Canada’s innovation economy. C100 is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with members across the major technology hubs of the US, Canada, and beyond.

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Canadian Digital Media Network – Soft Landing Program

The CDMN Soft Landing program offers qualified, mature start-ups and scale-ups exposure to business opportunities outside of Canada. Companies can utilize this program to open new markets, close international sales, secure investment and connect with new partners abroad. Successful candidates will receive up to $4,000 CAD in reimbursable expenses to help offset transportation and accommodation costs. Companies landing at a co-working space, accelerator or incubator may also have the costs associated with workspace covered for up to three months. Both the location and the specific landing facility are always determined by the company based on their business needs and market pull. Qualification criteria include:


Brett McNeil

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